MFB PAC Releases 2022 Endorsements
The Minn Farm Bureau Political Action Committee (MFB PAC) recently announced its candidate endorsements for the upcoming 2022 state legislative elections. Additionally, the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation Political Action Committee (MFBF PAC) announced candidate endorsements in federal races.
PAC endorsements are based on a candidate’s support of MFBF policy. Candidates participate in interviews with Farm Bureau members across the state, who in turn make recommendations to the State PAC Committee to make a final endorsement decision.
“The MFBF PAC Committee endorsement process is an important step in engaging with candidates for political office,” said Committee Chair Ray Johnson. “These endorsements help us to understand candidate viewpoints on key agricultural issues as we look ahead to the election in November and provide insight on how our farmers and ranchers can connect with candidates to help them understand the issues.”
The PAC Committee is comprised of county Farm Bureau members from across the state. The MFB and MFBF PACs are voluntary and do not receive financial support from MFBF membership dues.
The MFB PAC endorses the following candidates in state races:
Minnesota Senate
1: Mark Johnson
2: Steve Green
3: Grant Hauschild
5: Paul Utke
6: Justin Eichorn
7: Robert Farnsworth
9: Jordan Rasmusson
11: Jason Rarick
12: Torrey Westrom
13: Jeff Howe
14: Tama Theis
15: Gary Dahms
16: Andrew Lang
17: Glenn Gruenhagen
18: Nick Frentz
19: John Jasinski
20: Steve Drazkowski
21: Bill Weber
22: Rich Draheim
23: Gene Dornink
24: Carla Nelson
25: Ken Navitsky
26: Jeremy Miller
27: Andrew Mathews
28: Mark Koran
29: Bruce Anderson
30: Eric Lucero
31: Cal Bahr
32: Kate Luther
33: Karin Housley
34: John Hoffman
36: Roger Chamberlain
37: Warren Limmer
47: Dwight Dorau
48: Julia Coleman
54: Eric Pratt
55: Pam Myhra
57: Zach Duckworth
58: Bill Lieske